DAN STEIN: I think that pharma companies need to change how they view their marketing efforts. I think a lot of the traditional metrics don't tell the story about how their marketing dollars...
With all the testing and browsing, getting the attention of a woman is more difficult than ever before. For many guys, getting a woman's attention is next to impossible. The The technique is...
In this session I will be talking about the role of a DBA or database administrator. Many of you are not familiar with this term so let me try and explain the concept by mapping it to an activity we...



Prof: Well, today we turn to politics and the structures of power under the early Tudors. On the 22nd of August 1485, Henry Tudor, who was then the Earl of Richmond, defeated and killed King Richard...
>> And welcome to our Webinar today on disabilities focused employee's resource groups, strategies and best practices. My name is Jill Houghton and I'm the executive...
Hi! Blair with Professor Savings here, with investment tips for young adults. The objective of investment for young workers differs from those who are at a high point in their career. The sooner one...
Thanks for having made it to the primer on severe brain injury at tbilaw.com. I'm Gordon Johnson and I'm going to tell you a little bit about what our goals are on this primer on...
Hello, I am Klaus Stoll. I have been active in the Berlin Philharmonic for whole 43 years and I consider this my musical home. These feelings and memories are closely connected to the many...
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