>>Lori Casey: Coming up on this edition of Being Well, our guest is Dr. Scott Meyer, obstetrician/gynecologist from Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System. Our topic this week is focused on...
(Nigeria Health - only on BattaBox) No way will Ministry of doctors make a mark again. Shameless doctors! We are all Nigerians! Doctors are Oliver Twist(always want more) Director of medical affairs,...



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What we know is there are 14 thousand Americans everyday that are losing their health insurance. That's why we need to act. The insurance industry and other major health interests are spending...
The President's gonna sign this historic legislation, it's going to be allow six hundred thousand people who don't have insurance in Nevada to have insurance. Twenty four...



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Thank you. Did I hear that you guys get credit for listening to me speak? That's not right. I wish Harvard was that easy. So how many of you guys, sorry - how many of you guys that are...