Developer Crytek has announced that Ryse, the first-person Roman combat game first revealed back in 2010, is now being developed exclusively for Xbox One. A post on the company's site...



I've got an update on kfor you, although it's probably not the update you were hoping for. The game has been formally removed from GameStop's database, and is no longer...



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"... estamos trabajando en la post producción de "Thor: The Dark World" ahora mismo, con..." - "Humanidad... miren qué tan bajo han caido... Bien...
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kkhas offered his two cents on the next-generation used games market, explaining he is confident both Sony and Microsoft are happy to see it continue. Speaking to Forbes, Tony Bartel reassured...
"Maa..." "Maa... where will I look for you?" "Maa... where will I look for you?" "A mother's affection, I have known, an...
Please let me introduce Beak Hee-soo, Korea's most prolific woman writer, Hello, Welcome, This is your fourth best-selling book in a row, Personally, I envy the fact that you write a new story...
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