Oral surgery is now a separate discipline in dentistry. Most patients don't understand what's possible today. Therefore, many people settle for partial or full prostheses. It...



Los laboratorios Markus... Hola todos Cuando escribí el libro y DVD de la guía de comida y medicina gratuitas lo hice para mostarles que las plantas silvestres que crecen fuera de su hogar son los...



Yo no soy uruguayo. Soy estadounidense. Voy a enseñarte como preparar el yerba mate en Voy a enseñarte como preparar el yerba mate en estilo yanqui. Este es un mate. Este es una bombilla. Este es mi...



With food rich in blends of ingredients and spices, olives and dates saffron and cinnamon and of course tagine, the country has a taste to be tried. We're in Marrakech, and if you're...
More than two thirds of our immune system lies in our intestine. On it spreads millions of bacteria, which we call intestinal bacteria, and which in a balance of approximately an 80 percent of good...
Rafael, thank you very much for your testimony, you are already with your new fixed teeth. You are enjoying it, aren´t you? More than enjoying! Can you eat everything yet? I eat everything from the...
Welcome to the Breaking Free from Metabolic Damage Video Course. In this course we are going to show you how to overcome weight loss resistance, low thyroid symptoms, and hormonal imbalance for good....
Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss Weight loss is a prime cause of concern for many people today. Perfect figure is required for both perfect image in the society as well as for a healthy...
Let’s take a quick look at the Sedona SD-9000 food dehydrator. The Sedona SD-9000 is a large capacity food dehydrator. It’s a shelf-type unit that comes with 9 trays that slide into a main box from...