In this video I will teach you about Recaptures. The idea of Recaptures is that any time you land the yoyo on the string in Offstring yoyoing, you have the option of doing a Recapture. That is, you...



This is trick #7 of the 1A Yoyo Trick Ladder, it is called the Trapeze, or Man on the Flying Trapeze, it looks like this. When you do this trick, again, all you are really doing is landing your Man on...



This is the Cast Whip, and it looks like this. To do this trick you are essentially going to do an Overhand Whip, but you are going to pop the yoyo up higher than you normally would for the Overhand...



what's the matter luis!?? you look tired!! yes! i'm very sleepy!! all because i had to get up early so i can vote also i got to go to work at afternoon and it's already 8 and i...



Theres a war going down between my brothers tonight I don't want no war going down tonight Stop this war Stop this war Civilization... HA! I call it as I see it I call it bullshit you know I...
This trick is called the Flourish, it looks like this. A Flourish is just a great trick to add a new element and a little bit of excitement to all of your 3A combos. Really all the trick is, is...



This is trick number 4 of the Looping Trick Ladder. It is called the Tidal Wave, or Skin the Cat, and it looks like this. In histories past, judges would look to see if your hands were touching...
This is trick number 12 of the Looping Trick Ladder. It is called Reach for the Moon, and it looks like this. One, two, three, four, five. Notice I did 5 repetitions of Shoot the Moon. A couple of...
This is trick #23 of the 1A Yoyo Trick Ladder, it is called Spirit Bomb, and it looks like this. Again, if you need to learn this trick, you should check out our video where we teach the trick, but I...
This is trick #19 of the 1A Yoyo Trick Ladder, it is called the Hook, or the Hidemasa Hook, and it looks like this. When you do this trick, again, we have a video that teaches you how to do it, but...