Okay handlling sheep. Basically as with any animal, the calmer and slower you move and behave, the easier to handle your animals. Obviously here we are in amongst these sheep and they are not at all...
So if you think you may now want a pig, the first step is finding out where to get that pig. A lot of places don't have local pig farms so it is definitely one of those things you will have to...
Alright color of wool. Wool color varies highly from breed to breed and from individual to individual. One of the things about a sheep is blah, blah, blah black sheep is very unusual, almost...
I'm David Craft. I'm an editor/photographer. And this is my slobbery Bulldog, Beefy. His full name is Sir Beefy Face. We just call him Beefy for short, or The Beef. Or just Beef. Well,...
Raising taxes on the rich will never help. It will never work like democrats say it will or like they are trying to convince a sheep like following all will be well when the government just has more...
My name is Cindy Alpe, and I'm the show producer here for P. Allen Smith. And my dog's name is Bentley, and he is a Cairn Terrier. He is 2-years-old. We went to a couple of the Humane...
Are you raising your children in righteousness? Do they know that Jesus is alive and speaks to His sheep? Is their faith built on the rock that is Jesus, or is it built on the sand of your own...
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. In my presentation this morning I will be providing you an overview of ABARES' outlook for the main meat commodities. In doing so I will spend most time on...
Hey, looking for a hobby that's the bee's knees? Well, my name is Steve Schroeder, and I first got interested in bees about ten years ago. We've been keeping bees here in...