Queue management system

Hi, I’m James Ruotolo, the Principal for Insurance Fraud Solutions at SAS. Today I’m going to talk about the value of using a hybrid approach for insurance fraud detection. Losses due to insurance...
This is a meeting of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on October 21, 2009. Today we are tackling another item on our agenda to protect investors and bring greater transparency to...
Hello and welcome to Programming Video Tutorial. In this tutorial we will go through SQL - the Structured Query Language. SQL is the standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases...
What I'd like to do now is look into this issue in a little bit more detail. If we think about a piece of software as a mathematical object-- and of course that's very natural for...
To open the CA Modules window click on the upper right icon. To open the Auto Attendant module simply select it from the toolbar There are two types of reports available: Agent Status Report and Group...
So, in the previous lectures we were trying to determine the number of packets that were transmitted in a triple duplicate period and the length of the triple duplicate period. So, let us continue...
Section 3.3. PI Server Data Flow. What we are talking about in this section is we are just going to kind of round out some of the things from this illustration we have seen before. We will talk about...
Here they are again. These are our Exception and Compression Attributes. They are all listed in one place here. So, you can see, we have got, we have got Exception Deviation Min and Max. We have got...
>> We are happy to welcome Alberto from CERN. He will talk to us about the infrastructure projects that he is leading for the last four plus years, ETICS. Now, ETICS 2 which is the...