n_y_p_d_ after sir as a stop in for instance seventeen year old boy by the name of out then and apparently he was looking at that inappropriately ok janice leon he's black and he was looking...
sono davvero,davvero contenta di essere qui vorrei in un certo senso parlarvi, non dico delle basi perché non sappiamo niente della mia sindrome. Sono letteralmente nata con questa sindrome,...



Cosa fanno i grandi artisti quando vedono che il mondo intorno a loro è in subbuglio? Alcuni dei migliori artisti ti fanno sentire bene. Guardano al futuro. Da dove vengo io, il ritmo è... è tutto....
bad and the view on the know be michael west are this was a uh... it tough week in the schwarzenegger shriver home i think that their problem been a lot of tough weeks lately in that home uh... and...
Do I have to answer…? ... I'm a happy person I've made a series of choices in my life... ..all for art's sake I've been working in the arts for many years I've...
david packard shell david back dot com welcome to the show great show today we're going to talk to a former fox news reporter tell us hopefully he will be forthcoming i hope you will tell us...
I'm joined today by economist Pavley nature never she is assistant professor of economics at Bard College and a research scholar at the levy Economics Institute it's really great to...
Bollywood, illusione e realtà, nell'industria indiana dei sogni. Parleremo con la star di Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan. Bene, Shah Rukh Khan, questa è la seconda volta che viene a Berlino, con...