Hi, my name is Liz. I'm at Preferred Dental. 'Here for some new work done. I've been here before. I'm finding it very comfortabl here. Becoming a home to me. All the...
Hi, my name is Lesbia Bonilla, And I'm here to tell you how wonderful I feel coming here to get my teeth cleaned. I've been coming for the last eleven years, and trust me, it's...
... Cassandra Taylor, and I am a client here at Preferred Dental. And I suggest that EVERYBODY- if you have a fear of the dentist, come to Preferred Dental. I mean it is like TOTALLY pain-free. I was...
Hi I came here in 2010 to do the implant of the upper teeth and the lower teeth in the center by Dr.... I (Iyer) Iyer. And he did an excellent job and I wasn't worried about it. But the only...



Hi, my name is Lawrence Grace, I'm a patient here at Preferred Dental Care. And 'Came here to have some tooth repaired. and had that done. ... had some work after that. Ultmately ended...



Hi My name is Maria Robinson. Yesterday morning, I came in needing a denture and I was seen right away. Fast And Friendly I got the impressions taken right away And by the end of the day, I had a...



Plumbing problems are nasty and sadly don't go away by being ignored. They don't go away with quick fixes or duct tape either. As many of our customers in queens have found out, doing...



MIKEY: They say nothing good happens after 2:00 A.M. I beg to differ. Whoo! I'm Mikey Roe. A night owl by nature, I've spent years seeking out the most extreme... Look what I have...
Hi, I am Steve Schwartzapfel The birth of a baby should be an exhilarating moment for your family, but when complications arise during labor and delivery, unexpected and tragic injuries can occur....