Lebanon, glory is dependent upon you And the heart became heavy and lowered itself for you Yearning to dwell in paradise The life in it is the love of the homeland Write your history with a nail And...
Just as Israel is a danger threatening all countries, governments and nations of the region Today this danger threatens every country and nation in the region, and it is the danger of Takfiri...
- Hi, I'm Assistant Regional Director Teresa Sabanty. Joining me for this segment are Field Supervisor Scott Alexander, Review Examiner Jodey Dalton, and Senior Compliance Examiner Karen...
The innovation that exists in this unique school, that is bringing a new creative energy to Italy, has to also become NATALINO BALASSO: actor that is bringing a new creative energy to Italy, has to...



Hello again, this is Mike Knott from Technical Support at AbleNet. Right now I'm going to show you the available settings in the app for SoundingBoard. We'll go ahead and open...



[ Music ] >> Oakley Perry: Four-H meant a lot to me back then because it’s an environment where everyone loves one another and everyone supports one another. And that’s what kept me so...
Welcome to our introduction of blogs and wikis. The purpose of this video is to discuss the role of blogs and wikis in improving reading performance and learning for students with disabilities and...
What I love about working with Victoria University is the sheer enthusiasm and willingness to work us as an organisation and to help us achieve our goals. They really took the time to find out what it...



[MUSIC PLAYING] JIM: The reason I volunteer is based on a strong faith. I like to help people because that's what we're really taught as Christians. One of the events that I do on a...
[MUSIC] I remember really my sophomore year on the track team and I had an injury. Wasn't sure what happened, you know, I was a high jumper and the doctors told me it was tendonitis. So I had...

