Hi...welcome to the Tom Cote show....I'm Tom Cote.... so you guys......I'm sitting in a closet I don't have to explain myself Buddy's here with me...Say hi Buddy......
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'Sup internet friend! And welcome to HowToNott! The place where I teach you how not to do stuff. Or, how to not do stuff. And today I'd like to teach you how to not be disgusting with...
The trip's all planned, reservations are booked, and as we speak Izzy is giving John the gift of lifetime! Practically a second honeymoon. John drove down this morning to begin their family...
'Sup internet friend and welcome to HowToNott. The place where I teach you how not to do stuff. Or, how to not do stuff. And today I'd like to teach you how not to do the dishes. And I...
Hi guys! My name is Steven and welcome to my channel! Here on my channel, most of the content that you'll find has to do with being Asian American. I talk about pretty much any and all things...
this is my weird way to say hi hi guys so today i'm gonna be teaching you guys how to wash your dog how to bathe your dog same thing and not only your dog but your little puppy I don't...
Ma'am Okay. Safari. we have two pets under that name. and one of them is a cat. The other one is under Stephanie Russell. and, we haven't seen it since like, 2008. Are you sure its...
I don't know why this happens but whenever my puppy lies on the ground I just want to poke her. I know if somebody poked me while I was on the ground I'd probably get annoyed, but...

