- I have a special task: to pick up some babes! - Hello girl, can I talk to you please? - Sure. - Hello girls, please tell me what are you doing here and who do you hm, represent? - We represent Point...
- Thank you for the interview and god luck with Aladdin1 - Markeloff, hello! - Hi! - How do you do? Give me a high-five! - - I see you found a new game called Aladdin. Take the other hero. - I’m a...



Hey Guys, Its Blinks, and this is how you play Jakiro Jakiro is an intellegence based ranged-support. His Q is an aoe ability that slows and damages in a line. His W is a delayed aoe stun that stuns...



Hello, GamersESP is here at Dremhack Valencia with this amazing player, Dendi. They just won 3-0 against Mouz and we’re about to ask him some questions. Dendi, first of all, how do you like this...
I'm going to stop here Stop crying My body and heart Is all worn out Those lies saying you love me I won't believe it, I won't listen to it Hey do domino game eh eh eh eh do...
Hello everyone, I am DK's LaNm. Your thoughts on winning WPC-ACE? Of course really happy. I've played professionally for more than three years now, and this WPC-ACE title is my first...



I've heard your contracts expired Funn1k suits us! Na'Vi Dota 2 squad undergo changes in next few days Ars-Art and LightOfHeaven leave NaVi Funn1k and Kuroku will replace them You know...
Hello everyone, we are sitting here with team Na'Vi player Funnik. We will start with easy question: how was you training for Techlabs? Well, we weren't really training. I was actually...
Wanna ask what I'm doing now? I'm preparing a new task for you. Guys, welcome to a new contest! So, all you need to do is prepare a poster, something like "Go-Go,...



- Hello, guys. - Hi, Na`Vi Gaming. - We have an interview with Alexey Kolesnikov and Emil Kucher. You guys have just overcame ESC gaming. You defeated SK just before ESC. How did you manage to do...