¡Dios mío! ¡7.9! ¡8.9! ¡Es un 9.2! ¿Dónde se ubica? ¡San Francisco! ¡Rachel! Soy Troy Keller desde la cámara 1 de Sky. Esto es increíble. Lo veo con mis propios ojos y no lo puedo creer. El puente se...
Catolicadas Dulce, what are you doing here? — Sister Juana, please help me, my life is falling apart. — Come in, Dulce, it’s pouring outside. Two years ago, before I met my boyfriend Tomás, I was in...



And then just in general for other needs in the immigrant community, and the Latino community, well we'd like to advocate and build leaders in the community to push for change. It requires...



Hi everybody, joey here again and welcome back. In today's video, I'm going to show you how to build a water bridge. This is a project similar to the upside down aquarium that I showed...
The mouth of River Nervion was in the past one of the most industrialized areas in the Iberian peninsula,... ...with a frequent ship traffic commonly on route to Britain, so I though that the best way...
>> A 1971 graduate of Capitol Hill High School, David Puente began his relationship with O Triple C as a member of the inaugural class of 1972. As a work study student, he even helped...
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The next exercise I’m going to demonstrate is a supine pelvic tilt. Go ahead and lie flat on the mat, hands down by your side, contracting the transverse abdominals, you’re going to lift your glutes...
This is where we finished the other day I'll press the switch to deactivate the force field and go go go Besides the airship, there will be some new soldiers I'll use a more decent...
The time... mute witness to nature's whims the only capable of understanding what was transformed for centuries, evolved and gave origin to the most fascinating forms only possibles with the...