These animals don't listen, no not one little bit! They run around out of control and throw their hissy fits! It's up to me to stop them, 'cause plainly you can see,...
Each of us is going from somewhere and making one's way towards somewhere. Actually everyone is some kind of wanderer And we can be a wanderer who escapes from the past And we can also escape...
When I started my blog... I had two pairs of shoes. I like to try various things, I don’t like boredom. Sometimes I like ugly things. ”I set up a new blog! When brands supposed to contact me?” “Could...
Association of Polish Bronies Canterlot proudly presents Hello Bronies and Pegasisters It's February 4th and we're heading to Wroclaw to The Epic Ponymeet Deep! Deep! Wave to the...
How to care for closeness? Olsztyn, May 19th, 2013 NIVEA suggests: a cooling shower on hot days Why do you love your friends? We can count on each other in difficult times. They are present and we can...



Peace and good! Today we'll talk about mass stipends or offerings. In short, we'll try to explain how high the offering should be so as to make the priest satisfied ;). I think at the...



Peace and good! Today's topic is discussed quite often. The question is: what happens if a mass is supposed to be offered by somebody who died and a priest makes a mistake and reads some other...



Peace and good! Today we're going to refer to the episode about our deeds which have the power to help our salvation because we've received a very interesting question. Is our prayer...



Peace and good! As you can see behind us, beautiful golden autumn has arrived in Woźniki:). You really must come here if you live nearby, in Poznań, Grodzisk, Warszawa or Przemyśl;). This place is...

