It's extraordinary. I must remind you that it is aIso a potentiaI security risk. It's Iosing power. I'd Iike to move it to Engineering to see if I can repair it before it drains compIeteIy. I suggest...
activity Take your squad. Sweep the perimeter. Go. What's our status? Security breach --northeast sector. What have the surveillance cameras picked up? Not a damn thing. Anything comes down this...



[subtitle is not finished yet. sorry] [playing iracing with Oculus rift HD prototype and R-craft simulator]   how do you think about the HD-protype's resolution? oh... It is absolutely better...
bjbj Hello everyone! I'd like to show you something I've made. I call it a prototype PIP-Boy two thousand plus. It has this eight position knob and a little speaker right here...
On the rear panel of the transceiver SunSDR-MB1 you can see connectors... There are two antenna connectors for HF Two antenna connectros for VHF DAC OUT - direct output from High speed DAC with power...
Hello. Here I am with my stakeholder to test the prototype I have done. I am going to tell her about this service the university want to apply and also ask her some questions about it. (Sorry it was...



The Jal Delivery Man unloading the water can from the Auto Delivering the can to Merhaba Restaurant at Rs. 10/- per can. We are with a rural woman subscriber here her name is Mrs.Priya and she is a...
Hello there, my name is Mark Suman. I am the Product Manager over Mobile at Instructure. Previously, I was the Lead Engineer over our mobile products as well. Today for my SXSW proposal, I just want...



First time playing with a controller... Please bare with me ... This is the first part of Prototype, even before the story begins. Damn right, the game begins with a shitload of people shooting at...



>>It's like automatic drive. >>It should be vibrating. >>It ain't doing jack [laughs]. Okay now it's vibrating a little bit. You gotta...

