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*MUSIC* MEGAN: I've been able to take on a lot of different responsibilities other than what is just in my job description and that's opened the door to many other possibilities within...
Five essential steps for making social media work for your professional business. Like it or not, social media is changing the way we do business and has become an essential element of any successful...
have wandered by sometimes you're incredibly productive with a life coach los angeles and yet other times you can't seem to get anything done people look at your life and ask as this...
My name is Hester Lox. I am a professional organizer base in the San Francisco Bay area. I became a professional organizer when I first heard of doing this work because I was ready to move on from a...



martin butter eggs joining us he was a professional gambler for ten years the also ran a professional gambling t martin i get tons of emails about casinos about gambling about the ethics of both...
My name is Mona Montezuma, I am a commercial representative for Marathon Oil. I deal with negotiations of contacts and extensions of job orders, create purchase orders. I enjoy working in my...
A lot of teachers have solutions that work with different students. So when they work together, other teachers benefit from the skills of their colleagues. We changed our class periods from seven...
You're an environmental professional.You've just been given a new project but you don't feel quite ready it yet. On top of that, you've got another report or proposal...