Production backgrounds

This is Larry Jordan and I'm standing in the middle of the Pond5 booth here at BVE 2014 Pond5 is one of the sponsors of my trip to London this year and one of the reasons I'm delighted...
This is what I would suggest; the required education for getting into this business. It's mandatory that you go to college and major in create arts, specializing in film or video production or...
I think what the greatest thing about film is that it incorporates all the arts. It’s storytelling so literature, it’s acting so drama, it’s painting. You know, cinematographers don’t just study...
this is Dave at AFX search licensed investigators hot topic in investigation right now is investigating through Facebook with everybody using social media for their activities and for their...
1. Start by clicking on "File" - "New" and choose a black background. 2. Now go on "Filter" - "Render" - Lens Flare and choose...
in this was a really take a look at how we can at realistic camera type of text or renders by using the depth of field shooter so if you take a look inside the scene we have currently you can see...
Adobe Photoshop is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc., and I am in no way affiliated with Adobe. So now in this small step, we're going to actually add gray to our tape. Basically...
Hey! Are you looking for a green screen studio? If so, you're in luck! Come here... Here at Your Local Studio we have a giant green screen. Perfect for any of your production needs! We even...
Welcome to TEDx Manhattan, Changing the Way We Eat I'm Diane Hatz. I'm the organizer of today's events Who has not been to a TEDx Manhattan event before? We have seventy...