The economical thought at Caritas in veritate with Giulia Paola Di Nicola EDUCATIONAL INVESTMENTS FOR A HEALTHY ECONOMY Today The educational question is fundamental, from an economic point of view....
The economical thought at Caritas in veritate with Stefano Zamagni ECONOMY AND FAMILY When the Church, the social doctrine of the Church affirms the centrality of the family as subject. Not only...
now we're talking someone who's actually trying to change the system we have a lot of total different ways of the system is corrupt and captured by corporate america words are the...
>> ZJ: A few weeks ago, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a letter to members of Congress, urging them to vote against the proposed Employment Non-Discrimination Act....
The economical thought at Caritas in veritate with Simona Beretta ALARM! WE ARE TOO FEW ON THE EARTH Caritas in veritate makes a very important statement of which has not yet been fully understood the...
Battering at battling of every move Knocking down the walls in front of me Reciting the rites of this evil energy Eliminate the weak with hateful potency Spirit of negation throughout the centuries...



Good afternoon! First of all I would like to greet the Chairman of the House of Friendship Mrs. Ivanova and all guests gathered here, teachers and students of Belarusian State University, Minsk State...
Young Kṛṣṇa devotees prepare for a wedding ceremony in the ancient Hindu tradition. Kṛṣṇa is the Indian name of God in His personal form, and there are many followers in the country. The...
This was a busy week last week. Let me deal first with the new levels of idiocy to which the United Nations has climbed as a result of the president of the Gambia who took the podium of the general...
Revelation Unraveled Part 7. The Trinitarian nature of God and His universe, continued. Another important trinity is the sun, moon, and stars. Jesus says that the End Times will be marked by signs in...