Hey Guys! It's John and if you're in college like me or as the Europeans would say, "uni" you're probably freaking out but also you're probably...
Hi this is Life Coach Trish. My life tip for you today is, if you had your life to live over, do you think you could do more? Do you think you could do better? Probably, yes? Well I have good news for...
weeee hello its me just doing this to tell you that I can't make a video today because I've got some important work to do I'm gonna get cracking with my work straight...
Are you a procrastinator? Would you like a fun, simple idea for how to stop your procrastination? Stick around, we're going to talk about that. I'm Cindy Caldwell, The Happiness Queen,...
hi everyone Attan here ,today i'm gonna talk about procrastination i'm actually going to talk about the most common reasons why we procrastinate and i'm also gonna give you a...
procrastinate. Lack of desire, lack of motivation, fear of failure, lack of self-esteem or confidence, Procrastination can be a hard nut to crack once it has become a habit. So do not let it to grow...
Hi! My name is Caine. Audience: Hi! With this box and other boxes and a piece of tape, I created this: this is Caine's Arcade, I built that in 2011 in my dad's auto part shop, In my...
I'm a cartoonist as Scott mentioned. And to me cartooning is about taking a blank page and filling it with your ideas. The idea that I want to draw out for you guys here today is this idea of...
There are experiences that we share. Things that we all go through by virtue of being human. They unite us, these experiences that we share, and perhaps none unite us more so than, the experience of...
Hi this is Dan again, from CleanGuru. And today, we're going to talk about the question, you get to a bid you are doing a walk through and so youíve gone through a tour of the building, what...