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Hey. What's up, guys? David Glenn of Davidglennrecording.com and Theproaudiofiles.com. This is part two of how to mix acoustic. I've got the lead vocal all pulled up and ready to go....
This episode on Five Minute Video Marketing is brought to you by First Five. Martin: Hi! My name is Martin Harris, I'm a pharmacist and a nutrition medicine practitioner from Auckland, New...
What I'm going to do here is show you how to use Premier Pro CS6 and how to merge your audio and video clips when you're shooting on a double system recording system which would be our...



Hey guys, Matthew Weiss here, www.weiss-sound.com, www.theproaudiofiles.com. I am still in the dark because I still have not changed this light bulb. I swear to god it’s not because I’m lazy, it’s...
Paul Richards here with Conference Room Systems, as you know we provide affordable USB video conferencing solutions that are easy enough to install yourself, that's part of the reason why...



LYNN FRIES: Welcome to The Real News. I'm Lynn Fries in Geneva. Trade negotiators from around the world will be headed to Indonesia--Bali--for the ninth ministerial of the World Trade...



Introduction (https://www.sounddesignlive.com/how-to-find-speaker-coverage-calculator-daniel-lundberg/) Explanation of Speaker Coverage Calculator...
F - This was actually really a good example, of a visitor center helping me out, because if it wasn't for Richard, I would never have known about Joanna and the Aman Trust. J - She's...



Hi I'm Justin. I'm Tyrone from First Five. No - not First Five. - Justin: Hi I'm Justin. Tyrone: And I'm Tyrone from Five Minute Video Marketing. And we just want to...

