Hi, everyone. All right. I don’t have anything at the top, so Matt, let’s get to what’s on your mind. You have nothing at the top? I don’t have anything at the top. All right. Well, let’s start with...
Enough ... enough Guys listen! don't hit him Go back a little Go away from here. Ok, sir. Hasan..Go the f*** away from here, let him talk..Let him talk. Are you a one of the bodyguards for...
hey there home I was wondering if you can tell me just well if there's any affidavit a complaint state of Maine do they have a written complaint and signed affidavit for that file number is...
Do you hear that? Yeah it sounds really loud, I think we should check it out. Yeah, it seams to be, I hear yelling and crazy noises. Yeah, I they just yelled "take a shot." I can...
You've found yourself having several traffic citations issued to you in the last several weeks, and you've become a mess and very worried and concerned about this. Hello, I'm...
Hi there, I'm Charley Mann, and this is a special edition of Just Ask Ben Glass. Of course we have Ben here to talk about a case out in New Mexico which started as a routine traffic stop...
Hi, this is Sean Hobson. When understanding the game of basketball, you have to make sure and understand the rules that go along with the game. That's going to keep you in the game longer and...
Hi. This is Sean Hobson. One thing we want to talk about is making sure that you understand the rules of the game before you play basketball. If you don't understand the rules, you could cost...
Hi i'm David Cantor with the Law Offices of David Michael Cantor. Many times we get people asking us "What constitutes a violation of an order of protection and how long do I have to...
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