Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.
I like to be a free spirit. Some don't like that, but that's the way I am.
Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life - a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I...
People think that at the end of the day a man is the only answer. Actually, a fulfilling job is better for me.
I don't even know how to use a parking meter, let alone a phone box.
MARTIN BASHIR: Your Royal Highness, how prepared were you for the pressures that came with marrying into the Royal Family? DIANA: At the age of 19, you always think you're prepared for everything, and...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I must begin by saying how warmly I welcome this conference on landmines convened by the Mines Advisory Group and the Landmines Survivors' Network. It is so welcome because the...