[ crowd cheering ] Vilgaxia is safe again, sire. The people love you. Something wrong, my liege? I find their approbationhollow. Begging your forgiveness, master -- how so? You are the conqueror of 10...
The joint surgeons here at UVA are focused on doing joint replacement. They've become an expert in their particular field, they're conducting research on joint replacement or other...
Welcome to the third and final video podcast of the series. In the first two videos I referred to the six music notation programs... that you see displayed here I've presented PriMus and...



Mère, père, je suis désolé. Je vous ai perdus... J'ai promis de protéger notre peuple Je pensais ... Je pensais qu'il fallait stopper les templiers, qu'il fallait protéger la...
Mother...Father....I am sorry I have failed you both. I made a promise to protect our people. I thought.... I thought if I could stop the Templars If I could keep the revolution free from their...
The following program is brought to you in living color on NBC. Captain's log, Stardate 6010.1 While in the midst of a ship wide systems upgrade The Enterprise has been ordered to depart star...
Je connais cette sensation, on dirait que ça fait partie de ma famille. Ton père naviguait ? Mon grand père, Edward. Pour le roi ? Non, il naviguait pour lui, mais c'est une longue histoire,...
¿Qué significa ser un héroe? Es mucho más que superpoderes y disfraces. Significa disfrutar de la aventura más completa de Lego. Todo el universo Marvel, tus superheroes favoritos y tus no tan...



Hallo Hi Hi, my name is Hase That is the German word for rabbit. This is my name: Hase. So, my little kids now, I wanna show you my dog My dogs name is Wuffy Wuffy come! Aus Wuffy, aus! My, my dog his...