So now, this is what our term looks like, 5 times 7 times 2 times x times y times z. Now, this definitely looks different from how our term originally did, but I wouldn't say that it looks...
THE HAIR NOMAD Hello. What do we do today? Most people ask me to come to their house after work because I work until 11pm. If they say do my hair, I'd style someone's hair....
I've been driving the Winter Bus since 2009. Have you ever been homeless? Yes, for almost three years. WINTER BUS BERLIN CITY MISSION Your name is? My name is Ann-Christin. Christin? Anne....
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}...
Hello internet it is Day 2 of the DeFranco movie club move aside Oprah books are for fools that's our slogan Is it now, I don't know I'm at the uh the studio everyone's...
Matt, we need those codes the codes... Yes I need those codes, it's a matter national security to get those codes for the Philip DeFranco Show and I need those codes now, it's a matter...
I remember I was doing something I'm in my office and I have my glasses, I think and if I can see, I can think and uh sometimes to remember, I write on my body cause if it's important...
Pffffft. What was that? Brrrrrrub. Whoa, dude! Gwwwwwah! Is that a fart machine? Where'd you get that from? Are you playin' a prank on me? I don't know. Oh, David did it. David...
Hey hey girls ooo I'm really glowy tonight welcome to my channel if you are new I'm bella if you are returning hey hey pretty girls so todays video is going to be on the Ulta dual...
The world is obsessed with higher education; ‘You have to go to college. College is so important.’ We need to stop thinking like sheep, to be honest. I am not saying higher education is a bad thing...