Whether it's online or live or what have you, please be patient with me as I walk through some of this stuff. First, I want everyone to take a deep breath... Exhale... There's a lot of...
If those folks out on the street that Adriana interviewed are representative many people blame Obama or even past-president George Bush for the country's current problems and though we have...
The title of this presentation is "Where Are We Going?" This is actually the second part in a two-part series. The first one was done in London, called "Where Are We...
Hello everybody. This is Peter Joseph. July 31 2011 I want to take a moment to respond to this 60 Minutes Brooklyn College edition news piece that was put out by a student named Daniel Allen under the...
Shalom! At times like this, I really wish I spoke Hebrew. I have no idea what he just said, but I'm going to make a quick introduction before I begin the formal speech in great gratitude to...