Hello YouTubers today I'm gonna show you how to check your plants. Your potted plants that is . . . to make sure that the roots haven't overgrown their container uh... you...
Hi. My name is Kirsten Segler from The Greenery and what we want to do in this segment talk about Trailing Petunias. Aren't they just beautiful? Just like all our other annuals throughout the...
So the main difference between Bedding Petunias and Trailing Petunias is the overall flower power and branching. So trailing petunia naturally branch or self-branch if you will without any clipping or...
When you are growing vegetables in containers the fertilizer application is very, very important. First of all the containers are limited in surface area where the plant is going to grow nutrients...
The Echinocactus grusonii is a cactus native to the arid regions of Mexico the rounded shape and numerous thorns have meant that this plant is called 'Mother-in-law's Pillow. This...
Now I'm going to talk about potting larger plants. Now a larger plant is going to be heavier to lift, it's going to be more difficult to maneuver, but, there also are some great...
Hi. I am Shawna Coronado. I am from Gardening Nude and today, I am going to be showing you how you can pot something up, and reduce and reuse and recycle at the same time. It is a cool idea. And so...
For On Gardening, I'm Stan DeFreitas, "Mr. Green Thumb". We've talked about earth boxes and one of the elements that you need to have is enough lime especially if...



(THEME MUSIC) I have got a stir-fried beef and rice noodle dish that you're gonna absolutely love. It's already a fantastic dish. And them I'm gonna marinate some mango with a...
Hello, my name is Jose Zuniga. I'm representing expertvillage.com. We are basically... what we are doing is planting an indoor herb garden. As you know they are going to go in pots. We are...