Daddy Clay: Bugs – they’re not just for eating anymore. You can actually raise them. Kids love bugs, they love to have fun with them. We’re here with Kurt Heddinger from Insect Lore. He’s going to...
One of the most effective methods of repelling mosquitoes is deet. A lot of people are afraid of deet, because it does melt plastic. You would not want to use deet with, if you're going to be...
A relatively new product that's been popular in Europe for many years, new to the United States is picaridin. Picaridin is another active ingredient that is pretty good. Up until recently...
A lot of people are very concerned about what type of insect repellent they can actually put on their child. Most all of them are safe for your children. If you think back to the permethrin that we...
One thing to also to consider when you're out traveling, especially out in the woods, you might get bit even if you do have insect protection. You also may encounter a scorpion, a wasp, or a...
Hi, this is Yolanda from and in this section we're going to talk all about how to identify worms that are damaging your lawn. Now this subject is very personal to me because...



One of the alternative products that took the country by storm a few years ago, and I'm sure you've all heard of this, is the Avon, skin so soft product. It works, it really does. But,...
Hi, this is Joelle Meijer. I will show you how to create a pretty ladybug with an egg carton. For a ladybug, you will need to cut one cell of an egg carton. Start by separating a cell of the egg...