
Everolimus is a prescription medication called a kinase inhibitor that is used to treat certain types of cancer in the pancreas, kidney, brain, and breast. It is also used to prevent organ rejection...
[Brandi Dean] Good morning and welcome to the International Space Station Flight Control Room, whereas I promised we're talking with Dr. Jean Sibonga who is the Bone Lead for the Human...
quite a bit region bad accurate tell you about the special plan and this is not working pc reginald places who sought to helping you discover very quickly once with a healthy way with cheaper to do...
Music VO: We'll talk with an expert abiout how early detection of breast cancer can save lives. - If you feel something, even if you had a recent mammogram that is normal, please don't...
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Hello, I'm Norman Swan. Welcome to this program on beating bowel cancer - prevention, detection, treatment. We're coming to you on Rural Health Channel 600. Nearly 300 people a week...
When my insurance company denies a claim based on the services I receive from my doctor, that both my doctor and I agreed on are essential to my well being, they're saying "No, we...
"DRIED APPLES VS. CHOLESTEROL" Dried fruit is convenient, packed with nutrition, but which ones are the best? Here's raisins. Now this is per serving, per ounce, not per cup...
Art Reingold: Good morning. So, one administrative announcement about the exam. Ana Maria tells me this is posted on the website but I know we do have at least a couple people in the class who are...
By the time a man reaches 50 years of age, he has a 75% chance of having an enlarged prostate and a 33% chance of having prostate cancer. As he continues to age these numbers continue to worsen....