Peach Blossoms of Longhua - (Longhua de Taohua) - Zhou Xuan Shanghai doesn’t have flowers yet Everybody goes to Longhua Peach blossoms of Longhua The price is also rising You can also buy a peach...
So, now we're ready to make the handle for our mug. So, we're going to put this chunk of clay right of the barrel of the extruder. And, then we'll lift up the plunger and set...
Alright, now that we're using our metal rib we want to make sure that our hands are nice and dry and our ribs are nice and dry; especially with these guys, because this rib has cut me so many...
So, what I'm going to do here, I'm pushing on the outside, I'm also kind of pushing on the inside. But right now, I've got all that clay, it's right above my...
I'm Susan Ting on behalf of Expert Village and welcome you here and today I will show you how to do a double wall carved pieces. Once I've got this centered, the next step I will be...
I'm Susan Ting on behalf of Expert Village and welcome you here and today I will show you how to do a double wall carved pieces. Now, we're going to work on the outside clay. I...



Ok. Now, that the lug is attached. You're going to take your mug and you're going to hold it somewhat upside down like this. Get your hand very wet. Get this very wet. And, then...
There are a lot of antique vases out there and you're not quite sure the value of them? I'm Blake Kennedy and I'm at Patty and Friends Antique Mall in St. Petersburg, Florida....
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So of course a very traditional type of pot to make would be a tea pot and I've got a couple different examples here of tea pots; I'm going to show you both of these, these styles....