Hello, my name is Arielle Reid in Budapest Hungary, and today I will discuss who could hold office in Rome. Now Roman society, ancient Roman society, was separated into two classes of people, the...
mid-week politics with dave hennen has got politics and the fact that you have been busy going to watch it with great interest as a oregon house of representatives candidate are robinson was...
hello I'm Habib Kheradyar and I'm the director here at long beach city college art gallery and the two current exhibits open and on February 11th and they will continue March 15 ---...
[ MUSIC ] RICHARD NIXON: My fellow Americans, I come before you tonight as a man who's honesty and integrity has been questioned. MICHAEL A. COHEN: In 1952 Dick Nixon is selected to be Vice...
A long time ago, before there was anything in the world, God wanted to create Man. He didn’t know how, so first he made a tree and gave it the name Oquendo, which means “hard wood”. He took a piece...



In the current situation transformation is occurring between this model and the new information based model of individual sovereignty. As the family unit began the model of authority and domestication...
more more prisons are starting to use yoga as a way to allow inmates to deal with stress and also deal with weight issues in their health so I'm one present in New York specifically that has...