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hello where's the camera on Oh! there you are. I'm sheen kaboom you may know me from I'm sheenkaboom ah, I just wanna let you guys know two things one was I wanna let you know...
hi hypervisor commissioner in new make it shiny its them soulless inverter insulin you too want to see if I didn't tension insuring form my for me still see I'll Ross tunes general...
song 1 - Flight by DJ The Fishhead Ok so, first off I am using Adobe photoshop to draw all of this. I will start off by adding a new layer. As you can see I have already premade a rough sketch of the...
Hello......... My name is demon lord ghirahim, as you can see on the uh thing here. well lets get down right to it shouldn't we? Uh... yeah I'm going to uh, oh look there's me!...
GA-RY GA-RY IS OUR MAN IF HE CAN'T DO IT NO-ONE CAN GOOOOO GARY! You know about him You've heard about his girth But it's time to learn everything about Pallet Town's...
WOAH, WOAH! 1.4! 1.4! Av-Craft gone... auhauh mmm goddd, coner stairs! New sounds?!?!?!? auh auh I don't like this one! AUAHGH! ooooOOHOOHOH! OOO god what are you??? For 1.4! ooo I...
1985 saw the world completely enthralled in Nintendo's groundbreaking Super Mario Brothers, but its designer, Shigeru Miyamoto, was already hard at work on what would become his next...
instigating eighty kids legendary yahoo unplugged my own one houston houston plan simply display or something the recruitment it deeply Where i caught latios all still here here this legendary kokomo...
Hi. I'm Mike Lopez with Expert Village and today we'll be discussing artifacts from Magic the Gathering. Now, I'm going to discuss Talon of Pain. Talon of Pain is a very...