And when the king heard the words of Abram he ordered him to be put into prison; and Abram was ten days in prison. And at the end of those days the king ordered that all the kings, princes and...
So my dad, William Stafford, is a mystery to me after knowing him for 64 years today, my birthday. He came out of Kansas, Hutchinson one of the most conservative towns in America, and yet he was kind...
He’s a pacifist, he’s a listener, he’s a learner, he’s a seeker. He doesn’t contradict, he doesn’t confront, but he stays with the question. He’s a pacifist, but he’s not passive. He’ll stand in...
So this [Psalm 19] elevation of Torah reflects the shift that begins or starts to occur in the Second Temple Period, the late Second Temple Period, in which Torah is of growing importance. In about...
Hi, this is Laura Turner, and today I'm going to talk with you about how to write a poetry book. Now, before you write a poetry book, you have to already be a poet, and you have to have...



It's a habit of mine, looking for cigarettes although I no longer smoke. I remembered the other day that now smoking is forbidden everywhere and I wonder why is the thermal power plant allowed...
Enchanting book premiere concert highlights live videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai. On Sunday, May 29, the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association organized a concert to...
Today joining us is María Negroni. Poet, essayist, novelist, translator and collage professor. Welcome to the Instituto Cervantes in Dublin. Thank you. In your literature we find multiple times the...
For Malcolm, A Year After Compose for Red a proper verse; Adhere to foot and strict iamb; Control the burst of angry words/Or they might boil and break the dam. Or they might boil and overflow And...
Hi, This is Emme. Welcome to Loving Life and Words my poetry reading series, um. I'm having video technical difficulties... Um. So what I wanted to talk about today.. This is the 2nd time...