((music)) A lot of Chekhov's plays everybody starts at the beginning with this wild-eyed hope for you know, what's happening right now and what's going to happen soon, and to...



- [typing on computer keyboard] HI. [cell phone rings] YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? VICTOR. HE DOESN'T WORK HERE, IF THAT'S WHO YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. [cell phone rings] - DO YOU...



But I remember the profound effect Death of a Salesman had on my father and mother. That a play, really changed the way they thought about themselves, I think, and who they were. The theatre can do...
With his plays The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire, the American playwright Tennessee Williams reinvented the theater. Drawing on the Harry Ransom Center's extensive collection of...
ERNABEL DEMILLO: Welcome. I'm Ernabel Demillo for Asian American Life. As you know, Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines in early November. The death toll is rising daily. Hundreds of thousands...
There were days in rehearsal I thought the audience was either going to buy someone in an Elephant’s head pretending….being seen as a Japanese woman as a man, a young man, a child, as a four-year-old...
So as theater majors our final project in the department is doing something around creating a spring festival of plays, whether you're writing and directing or acting or designing costumes or...
Brazilian composer. Born in 1970 in Rio de Janero. Began his pianistic studies to 15 years old. Began the first attempts at composition at 17 years of age. And at age 38 decided to exhibit their work...
You can't help but see how hapless he was as a presiding over the internal affairs of the United States. He just couldn't do it. I keep it a little comic. I don't try to get...