Plastic surgery before and after

Hi Everybody. I'm Dr. David Reath and I'm here to talk about this week's Truth-O-Meter Tuesday question As most of you know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so we asked...
Hi. I'm Dr. David Reath. And we're talking about this week's Truth-O-Meter Tuesday question. The topic that we've brought up is complications following cosmetic...
>> Dr. Lamperti: Hello my name is Dr. Thomas Lamperti and I’m a double board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon in the Seattle area. I’m here today to talk a little bit about the dressing...
Hi. I'm Dr. David Reath. And I'm here with my nurse, Jill Maze. And we're talking about this week's Truth-o-meter Tuesday question. This week we talk about injectible...
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Kim Sport isn’t shy about showing breast cancer patients her body. She had a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery at the same time – and says she couldn’t be happier with the results. I felt it was...
You may have first heard of "Vampire Face Lifts" when Kim Kardashian tweeted photos of her own not long ago. And recently, one of my favorite YouTubers, Jan, of Beauty Over 60, which...
Hi Doctor Sadi Erfani here Plastic surgeon with Spirit Lift Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Here to talk to you today about Fractionator fractional co2 laser resurfacing Fractional laser resurfacing is a...
San Diego Face Lifts Are you looking to restore your youthful appearance? Do you want to look as young as you feel? A face lift in San Diego may be something to consider. Our San Diego cosmetic...