Pitching for the people

5links air way up here coming to you from a home office here in the house s area any house the other day because you're looking for information on five points so welcome you get the right...
Hey Ithaca filmmakers! Do you have an idea for a film or media project? Do finances stand in the way of completing your dream project? The Studio is here to bring Hollywood to Ithaca. We help students...
Our skin is the largest organ. It covers our entire body, acting as an armor to keep germs out and keep our body temperature in check so we don't overheat or get too cold. When our skin is...
Business Pitching How to Do Business Pitching To Sir Richard Branson Sir Richard Branson and I? We are going to make a difference! Here comes our Mission Branson winner, Jonathan Li. Hi, as a...
welcome to the first of four panel discussions in the innovate So Cal series from January 2014 this program includes moderator John Robinson panelists Jim Jim Jonassin, Elizabeth Stewart and Louis...
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This is Bob The Tool-man on mlm secrets. Yes you came to the right place there are really no MLM secrets in attraction marketing. The new school marketing strategies attraction marketing keep no MLM...
If you’re looking to start up, or already own a business, at some point you might be looking for funding. This is likely to involve a meeting with lenders or investors. Pitching for investment can be...