Bom Jesus neigbourhood, Porto Alegre Just 8km from the Rio Grande do Sul state decision center The region that leads the city in a ranking that ashames both Inter and Gremio supporters alike the...
LEGIÃO URBANA (Urban Legion) Sereníssima QUICKEST Translation and Sync FERNANDO PINTO I'm a sentimental animal I cling easily to what arouses my desire Try to oblige me to do what I...
For this job at Engine I'll admit I have a fascination But I need to find myself some traction for this application Judging grads across the nation, all trying to come first, It's not...
Today, August 26, esteemed Angolan poet and activist, Mário Coelho Pinto de Andrade is remembered. He was born in 1928 in Golungo-Alto, Angola and passed away on this day in 1990. Mr. Andrade was a...
Baby Boogaloo: Dance is life. Prada G: When I freestyle I just let the music take me wherever I want to go. Krash: Different people do different things. Dreadz: Clear your mind a don't think...
Here's the thing that makes life so interesting: the theory of evolution claims only the strong shall survive Maybe so, maybe so... But the theory of competition says "just because...
I don't want to draw on the wall that everyone can draw I want to draw on the wall that I want to draw or the place where I want to draw and that the others can't reach Truants!...
Three in the morning Almost nothing The city is abandoned And this street that has no end Three in the morning All and nothing The city is abandoned And this street has nothing of me Nothing Night,...
So, today is the culmination of about 18 months of hatchery work here, at the NOAA Mukilteo Research Station. And we've been culturing pinto abalone as part of a restoration project here in...
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