So regarding the mural for the India Palace restaurant. The first thing I'm going to do, is a very, very rough sketch. I can remember the layouts of the room. So I'm going to do a,...
ANGELA FRACASSO: Hi, this is Angela with And I'm in the--this segment is about kind of blending in the sky with the wall. In the last segment, I started putting in the sky...
(Barbara Kingsland) If you look at BC it is such an amazing beautiful place, anyplace you go it is beautiful. >>In the crisp clear morning air of British Columbia's Kootenay...
>>Theresa Bierer: Our first story focuses on becoming more sustainable thanks to the efforts of some staff members in transportation services. Duane Lindquist from Capital Assets is...
>>Theresa Bierer: It's time now for our interview segment with Inside NAU's Charlie Hicks. >>Charlie Hicks: Thanks Theresa. I'm with the Associate...
>>Theresa Bierer: Discussions about funding of Higher Education are continuing at colleges and universities across the country as they look to serve more students with less resource...
>>Theresa Bierer: Welcome to this edition of Inside NAU, I'm Theresa Bierer. Northern Arizona University researchers have been studying the effect of uranium for several years....
One of the standard approaches to analyzing artist paint is to take a tiny sample so that we reveal the layers in their sequence of application, from the ground upwards through the various layers to...
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Hi, How are you today. Good to see you again. I'm Marge Kinney. Today we are going to work on some trees. Trees are always rather complicated for people because they don't know how to...