symphony of reminiscence Then my second wish is- I want to go to school with you. Just today. We'll make this place our school. We'll study together eat lunch together clean the...
Now let's look now at a flop for what is a very good starting hand for Omaha. Starting hand of ace, ace, king jack, and we're double suited. We've got ace of hearts, king of...



A! By GiLgAmEsH Subs originally by Newlife, Ishin and A-F. My name is Mihama Chiyo. Even though I look like this, I'm a high school student. AZUMANGA DAIOH! Matsuyama-kun! Yes, ma'am!...



so I'm gonna do a wig review for you today on this lovely wig which I just purchased from Epic Cosplay. This is their Chronos style, which is their 14 inch long wig and the color is ice blue....



Hi! I'm Daniel on behalf of Expert Village. In this particular clip, we are going to be drilling our pilot holes for our 2 2/8 inch holes and for our inch latch hole on the side of the door....



Okay. I want to show you how easy it is to access the battery for hooking the bike up to the trickle charger for when it's in storage So, I'm going to just reach over here and pop open...
Microsoft Word 6.0-Dokument MSWordDoc Word.Document.6 Jacqui Flint Hey Guys! This is Beckii. First off, I would like to tell you that my new dance video is coming soon its a collaboration dance and...
Hi! My name is Matthew Christian from Tampa, Florida and on behalf of Expert Village, today I would like to talk to you about the proper use and maintenance of a pressure washer. Though pressure...
Alright, so we're going to replace a magnet in a headback. I'm going to show you guys how to do this. So we have a mini machina who lost a magnet. This is pretty common in a lot of...
Hi Whyville! This is my hair tutorial. Right now I am just adding some basic shading. It's okay to be messy in this step. We are going to fix it later. Now I am just cleaning up the ends so...