It was a beautiful day and you decided to go for a bicycle ride. Next thing you know, you're on the ground and you're injured. After being hit by a car, what next? Well, my name is...
(narrator) A UK-wide project dubbed Happenstance aimed to bring together the technological and the artistic. Happenstance is a programme that brings together technology and the arts, not in order to...
The three things I would tell someone who's never cleared rights before... Number one, give yourself enough time. You need to find the right rights owner and give yourself enough time to clear...
I'm going to, as Anthony said, talk to you a little bit about IWM and some of the changes that have happened over the last three years, and particularly around our approach to collections and...
Thanks. I can hear myself, that's good. They told me to do that. So today this is not going to be a very buttoned up talk. Because I was telling them earlier it's hard to come out when...
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After you've submitted your Grants for the arts application we'll check to see if it's eligible. If it's not eligible, we can't take it further and it...



just true, as a bird you don't flock in skies above you know, life ain't worth living if you ain't with the one you love lord, i wrote one line and i lay my pencil down one...
You then pay the "Professional" a nice $50.00 to $100.00 for an hour of you and your dog's time. Let's not forget that you are also going to have to come back and do...

