If you look at China as a country, whose economy is actually doing very well, they are commissioning a new coal-fired power plant every five days. So that's for the next eight years at least....



Hi folks. So in this last video I introduced the concept of energy payback time, and we defined this as amount of time required which is the amount of time required to payback or recover the energy...
♪ [music playing-- no dialogue] ♪♪. Thank you, I'm not sure if I can see this under here. I may have to wander out there. Well, we'll try it. I've got to point out a few...



Every second our sun produces more energy than humanity has ever used. The light of this brilliant star has bathed our planet since it was formed 4,5 billion years ago. And it will illuminate our days...
MR. : All right, we all know that the sun’s energy creates heat and light. But it can also be converted to make electricity, and lots of it. One technology is called solar photovoltaics or PV for...