The collection of scumbags known as Creation Ministries International recently put out a pamphlet called “Question Evolution” containing 15 questions that supposedly attack the basis of evolutionary...
>> Alright. Hello everyone. So since we're gonna be talking to you about a format called DWARF, we thought we'd modify the language or the presentation to match. Can you...
Erin Ramos: I have a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old at home, and I have a perpetual cold, so I have a lozenge and some hot tea. So hopefully we'll get through the next few minutes, but...
[CROSSTALK]. Okay. You have just watched a sea star have sex. [MUSIC] So, reproduction. That's what we're talking about today. And, this is a big topic. So, we're not going to...
Tree breeders and forest geneticists have long sought means by which they could improve the efficiency, increase the gain, or reduce the cost of tree improvement through the use of genetic markers....
Male Speaker: -- and pass the time to Chris. Chris Chute: Thank you. If we could have the questions come up. Basically, what I did is to clone the question slides that were in Josh's...
I saw the beaver starting to build his dam last week. Amazing. Beverly told me you were lying. You're just trying to lure me out to the woods. (chuckles) Well, if you don't want to ace...
We have a number of things that we still need to consider with Mendel as we've mentioned he had some serious problems with the disappearing and reappearing of traits in his...



Continuing our discussion of Mendel we want to look at what laws he started to apply to his work we've talked previously about Mendel's crosses -- this is showing you another example...



Iftikhar Kullo: Thank you. So if we could go to the next slide, I wanted to thank people who contributed to this presentation, my co-chair, Gail Jarvik. Great input from the panel members: Larry,...