Hi. My name is Josh Peters-McBride and I’m a program adviser here in the University Center. I do diversity programming as well as. I ‘m a member of the UM Allies which is a campuswide group that...
I love latin people. Any portuguese people here tonight? Portuguese, really? Brazillian, too? Any brazillians? Ah, you brazillian? Brazillians speak portuguese right? So.. So you speak portuguese tho,...
So if you wanna make things six figures you can't just be talking about you wanna make six figures. Do you know what I'm saying to you tonight. If you do the three things I tell you to...
so now unity prophetic we really didn't do it now colonel ralph peters is clown the foxes uses as a military expert and uh... window many clips on him and his general idea of for any solution...
Hello Saint Peter. I am Maggie Gallagher. Can I go into heaven now? Hello Maggie Gallagher. Tell me what did you do with your life? I protected traditional marriage. Traditional marriage? The kind in...



[music] We're standing in St. Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican City, in Rome; and it is one of the largest, most ornate spaces I've ever been in. I shouldn't say one of...
Rome street by TravelPod member lucy1279 Collesium by TravelPod member lucy1279 Collesium by TravelPod member lucy1279 Collesium by TravelPod member lucy1279 Collesium by TravelPod member lucy1279...
MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC Phone Ring - "Wanda Peters." I am the Assistant Division Chief for the Mechanical Systems Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. When I was younger I never...



I am the Assistant Division Chief for the Mechanical Systems Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. When I was younger I never imagined that I would be working for an organization that is...
Because no one wanted to believe, those leaders did not want to believe the power of God. And on the other side were the scientists who were discovering different things, that did not always fit...

