Hey guys, this is Heather from HealthyEatingStartsHere.com. Today I am looking at yet another animal food. Is seafood healthy? Really?! Ok. Seafood has some very unique benefits, in terms of animal...
I have met people that eat eggs on a vegetarian diet and they are called lacto-ovo vegetarians, I've even met people who eat chicken and call themselves vegetarians and don't eat red...
(indistinct chatter) Jess, I'm not done with that. That's $18 granola-- handmade. $18 for granola? Okay, you're gonna be eating two Thanksgiving meals today, so starve...
[THE V LIST: OPENING CREDITS] CADRY: Hello. Welcome to another episode of The V List. I'm here today with Becky from the very entertaining blog, Glue and Glitter. BECKY: Hi, Cadry and...
Welcome to MyBinding video. T his is a quick look at the Personal Three-Hole Punch by Swingline. For the home or small office, school, or even the purse, this is great on-the-go hole punching....