>>NARRATOR: Using your strengths with verbal comprehension which is the ability to listen to information that has been given orally, remember and understand it, then use the information...



No tengo nada por eso sin perder vengo, no tengo nada pero escucho,lucho, aprendo, no tengo nada, pero a la vez, todo tengo, ¿Vendés tu personalidad? Yo NO la vendo! no tengo nada, y a la vez tengo...



For his Spectacle History classes imparted by Ignacio García May at RESAD, Manuel Pico, studying Musical Acting,... ...was asked to do a work creatively about an important personality. This is what...
Female Speaker: So do you guys think that Monogram and Doofernshmirtz could be friends one day? Jeff Marsh: You know actually I think under the right circumstances we could probably be good friends...
Every time we meet, my heart pounds (thump thump) Every single day, this excitement grows (excitement) My heart is swaying (sway sway) I can't resolve it, and it's depressing me...



John K. Father of Ren, Stimpy and George Liquor, the last master of the Age of the Creative Driven Era, We know what he has done, but actually I want to tell who he really is And I think this picture...
Goku, Dragón bol z doctrina superior espiritual. -Hoy descubriremos misterios ocultos, y profundos relacionados a la caricatura de dragón ball z y GT Y descubriremos que todo esta relacionado con el...
The VideoGame That guy still there He's been there all day Yeah, right, He's been there all day, and the final test is tomorrow. That's right, but he still there, playing....
The very first thing the Love does The Love doesn't accuse The Love takes away fear Wow! Good, good, glorious morning! Give Him your best applause! Yes, come on! Everyone that cordially...
You know what are the two main problems most network marketers are facing right now? Money and leads. And that also the first two main priority checklist they want to reach. I don’t know about you...