Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour tonight to present to you: The one and only bassist of the famous, famous band Waking Up the Neighbours Please help me welcome: The one and only ginger in the...
Lauterbrunnen by TravelPod member emmafox Lauterbrunnen by TravelPod member emmafox Lauterbrunnen by TravelPod member emmafox Lauterbrunnen by TravelPod member emmafox Lauterbrunnen by TravelPod...
Do I have repressed memories? I don't know, do you? What is it that makes you think you do? I just have strange events that seem to come out in my dreams. I often have bad dreams and I am not...
COHLE: In eternity, where there is no time, nothing can grow. Nothing can become. Nothing changes. So death created time to grow the things that it would kill and you are reborn but into the same life...
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