-So what did you think? -I thought it was good. -Really? -Yes, a lot. I thought it was really bad. The cast was weak, the script was cheesy... The whole thing is just really tacky. That scene when the...
June 2013 Dialogues with António Damásio In reality, what I liked the most when maybe, I was around… ten years old, was to build motors and play with things such as meccanos I really liked movies,...
One does not want to isolate the individual, one does not want to isolate society, one does not want to isolate the species, but, at the same time, I believe this indicate us our personal ethics,...
My Bulgarian past is very important to me, but I don’t live in Bulgaria anymore. It is Bulgaria that lives inside me. The first 24 years in a man’s life decide much of what he is going to become....
ar de lá com um sorriso dele em março os preços lula da silva o preço os nutrientes então cuidado ae eu gosto da forma como ele dr efe muitas manobras euclides da cunha e ele mandou um abraço com os...
Christianity has understood sexuality differently than the Greek world. The first theorist Christians, the first Christian theologian understood that man, man’s attention should be directed, above...



Is everything OK with you guys? You have to take the camera off the tripod and turn it into an extension of your own eyes. You have to go to the people and live with them, make a movie with them. Go...
In my opinion, the problem of happiness is subordinated to what I call "the problem of life's poetry." In other words, life, in my view, is polarized between prose - in other...
I think we are in a very particular moment in History. It's always a little bit pretentious to say that, but in fact, when we see the evolution of the whole society for centuries, it really...
Aldous Huxley, in his novel 'Brave New World' was a bit prophetic with all this, picturing a world where a small elite controls great working masses with a drug, called Soma, that...