bjbjLULU This video will give you step by step instructions on how to draw the rapper Jay Z. Just follow the instructions on the eleven steps that I give you and shade along with me during the shading...
Welcome to Drawstuffrealeasy and today I am going to show you how to draw an Arab Scimitar Sword First draw the back of the blade very lightly in pencil. Draw lightly so you can erase the pencil...
It's the (Wednesday drawing show intro sequence) So what's on the show today We have Magic drawing - News about a meet up next week, in London, for shooraynerdrawing channel fans...
The next silhouette is probably the best example of the concept I've been trying to reinforce that these are shapes, they're not dresses. There's something to build the dress...
Coloring flower petals carefully is important in capturing a flower's softness. For this demo, I show you how to complete one petal. Here's the first wash using Prismacolor Blush Pink....
hey guys Pit's here! this week, a tutorial about 3D drawing (tromp l'oeil) what's a 3D drawing? it's an illusion done with a perspective effect First step: take a photo...