The year is 2318. The location: the skyborne metropolis known as Caldoria. The Earth is finally at peace after a long bloody battle against a few tyrants who sought total world domination. Having...
George Diller/Launch Commentator: This is Pegasus Launch Control, T minus one hour, 35 minutes 54 seconds and counting. Joining us now here in the Mission Directors Center is Al Sierra, the director...



In this video I惻l teach how to make a origami pegasus from Anibal Voyer You can find the diagram on and also on, I惻l put the link on the video description. If you don愒...
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If you ve been searching for a top quality floor scale system - then look no further than the Brecknell floor scale system. These scale systems are the perfect blend of heavy duty performance and...
Hi, thanks for visiting our website. Over the years the Brecknell DCSB Pegasus floor scale systems have been a great choice for reliable and affordable weighing. And now we have some exciting news....
באתר הצילום עם אימג'נריום" "LTS CARBON ומערכת סצנה מספר 4 LTS טייק ראשון היי, כאן דניס ווד כאן עם אחד CINEVATE מהקליפים היותר מעניינים מבית ,אנחנו נעזרים בכישרון מקומי...



When I had my sight, all my dreams were in black and white. Then after I lost my sight, I dreamt in color. I had this dream seven days after I went blind. I was falling through an abyss. I was falling...
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