Here we are with the treated pine traditional picnic table shown with our detached benches with the backs. Big seller for many years. We’ve offered that and also many styles in the treated pine....



Here you have the Western Red Cedar Contoured Bench. It’s one of the hottest items on the market for us right now. It’s great for residential and commercial use. As you can see the Western Red Cedar...
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This is Glen Raven’s Sunbrella Canvas Teak 5488-0000 from Sailrite. Sunbrella Marine and Awning grade fabric is the standard cover cloth for the boating and awning industry. With it’s fantastic color...
This is Glen Raven’s Sunbrella Canvas Mineral Blue 5420-0000 from Sailrite. Sunbrella Marine and Awning grade fabric is the standard cover cloth for the boating and awning industry. With it’s...
Sunbrella 56074-0000 Calvert Oak is a solution dyed acrylic furniture fabric from Glen Raven's Sunbrella Stripes collection. This comfortable, beautiful striped upholstery fabric makes the...
High End Extruded Aluminum, Fully Welded Cast Sling furniture is perfect for any outdoor setting. Come out and relax in your sling outdoor furniture that combines a comprehensive line of stylish...
The 7 Piece Leona Dining Set is perfect for hosting elegant outdoor meals, featuring the classic look of braided wicker. The Mocha wicker has a full round design that creates a luxurious appearance...
The Taryn Collection's luxurious estate style, comfort and durability will make your outdoor living space the talk of the neighborhood. This set is made of all weather wicker woven over...
This is Glen Raven's Sunbrella Aura Honey 45707-0002 Furniture Fabric from Sailrite. Sunbrella Furniture Fabric is a worry-free fabric for both indoor and outdoor use with excellent fade...