No one beats a paradise price! Not the internet, not any brick and mortar competitor. No one has the selection that paradise and patio offers with the same day delivery available. How can we make such...
DIY Wooden Furniture Plans Free - Outdoor, Bedroom Etc. DIY Wooden Furniture Plans Free - Outdoor, Bedroom, Log, Shaker & Patio An essay on DIY Wooden...
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Start by getting your screws out first, separate your screws. Now, the next step is to put the back onto the seat. Add four screws. Just lining up those sides, make sure they're even and...
Here we are with the Western Red Cedar Walk-In Picnic Table. Big seller for many, many years; it’s manufactured right here in Pennsylvania. You’ll love this table, it’s a walk-in for a reason! You...
Here we are with the treated pine traditional bench. This piece here, shown with a 14 inch depth here, 2x4 tops and with also the 2x6 on the ends. This is a great piece, comes in multiple lengths....
Welcome to on my life on the deck, I'm putting together my brand new outdoor patio heater, as you can see it's pictured here. I was thinking about getting one to hook up to the natural...
We lovingly refer to this picnic table as the best Beer, Butt, and Burger picnic table that you will ever find. It’s heavy-duty, thick, affordable, and completely handmade in the USA. It doesn’t get...
Here we are with a treated pine classic traditional design. I’ve had this product for many, many years. I’ve sold multiple of these products to restaurants, parks, recreation, obviously residential...
Here is a great red cedar picnic table featuring the traditional A frame design. But, with the rich western red cedar wood, it elevates it to a higher styling. If you look at the construction,...

